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100 Best Foods - Paperback

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100 Foods That Comprise an Ideal Diet

In this magazine, Dr. Fuhrman profiles the 100 best foods that can help you live a long and healthy life, with 25 mouthwatering recipes and a Nutritarian diet guide. You’ll learn about the foods’ health benefits, which include protecting against cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease; normalizing blood glucose and cholesterol levels; and supporting gut health, brain function and eyesight.

You’ll find a trove of fascinating food facts – for example, you can tell that a cranberry is ripe if it bounces, and a cup of cooked zucchini has as much potassium as a medium-size banana. Discover the 100 foods that can help you live to 100 years of age!


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Dr. Fuhrman M.D. Board-Certified Physician


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